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Foreign Ministers Of Russia, Turkey, Syria & Iran Could Soon Hold New …

Foreign Ministers Of Russia, Turkey, Syria & Iran Could Soon Hold New Meeting

The foreign ministers of Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran have met in Moscow (Russian Foreign Ministry)

A new meeting between the foreign ministers of Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran is being discussed, a Russian diplomatic source told RIA Novosti on July 28.

The source said that representatives of the four countries were discussing the possibility of holding a new quadrilateral meeting

“This issue is being discussed. But to achieve the result, the program of all the ministers must match. This is a process and it continues,” the unnamed source said.

The first meeting of foreign ministers of Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran was held in Moscow last May. During the meeting, the top diplomats of those four countries ordered the preparation of a draft road map for the normalization of relations between Ankara and Damascus.

Turkish-Syrian normalization talks slowed down after the meeting. Nevertheless, Alexander Lavrentiev, the special representative of the Russian President for Syria, revealed in an interview with RIA Novosti in June that Moscow had prepared the draft road map.

Ankara remains the main backer of Syrian rebels. The Turkish military controls vast parts of Syria’s northern and eastern region. It also maintains dozens of positions in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib, which is ruled by an al-Qaeda offshoot.

Earlier this month, Erdogan told reporters that he is open to talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but would not meet him if a withdrawal of Turkish troops from Syria were set as a condition.

A new meeting between the foreign ministers of Turkey and Syria could help push the normalization talks forward. However, an agreement between the two countries does not appear to be near. Damascus will not likely accept any agreement with Ankara that does not call for a Turkish withdrawal from all Syrian territory.


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