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German Army Complains Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Too Slow And Wasting …

German Army Complains Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Too Slow And Wasting Western Training

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Bild newspaper cited a German military document on the Ukrainian military, pointing to serious problems in personnel absorbing lessons taught by NATO. This also comes as an Austrian military official revealed that NATO-trained Ukrainian soldiers are already dead due to their lack of experience. Yet, as can be expected, the British rejected the assertions made by the German Bundeswehr.

According to a secret Bundeswehr report published by the newspaper on July 25, German military chiefs are extremely dissatisfied with how the Ukrainian military conducts combat operations.

“Some military units are so fragmented that, although each of them does something, they cannot work coherently,” says the document.

Such actions by the Ukrainian military, according to the media, do not allow them to ensure fire superiority, which is necessary for success, regardless of the number of personnel trained in the West and the amount of equipment provided.

In addition, the so-called Ukrainian combat doctrine was mentioned – young fighters who have received “effective Western training” often obey the orders of their commanders, who are incapable of acting on the NATO model. This invalidates training efforts, said Bild.

The document adds that Ukrainian soldiers trained by the West show “great learning success” but are let down by commanders who have not been through the training camps.

On July 23, Belarussian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said Russian forces eliminated at least 15 German-made Leopard tanks and more than 20 American-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles. This suggests that not only are German military chiefs observing the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive but also seeing their former stocks of military equipment being destroyed with impunity.

Despite the obvious, which is increasingly acknowledged by Europeans and even by some Americans, the British could be trusted to reject any news of Ukrainian failures and concoct a propagated explanation.

A senior defence source told The Telegraph:

“They [Ukrainians] certainly have plenty of problems, but I don’t think this German accusation is one of them.”

“The idea that they are abusing the formations we have trained them in doesn’t ring true to me,” the source added.

The typically British response is also contradicted by the Austrian Ministry of Defence military strategist, Colonel Markus Reisner, who said in an interview with the N-TV portal that many Ukrainian soldiers who underwent the six-month NATO training have died.

“I recently spoke with a Ukrainian comrade: in a neighbouring unit, there was a 47-year-old reservist commander. Due to a lack of experience, he ordered a platoon of his soldiers to go straight to the minefields. Just over half [of the soldiers] turned back,” he commented to the outlet.

According to Reisner, such a mistake seriously affected the morale of Ukrainian soldiers. The Austrian official also expressed the opinion that the first phase of the Ukrainian counteroffensive had failed.

He also highlighted how “there was an outcry” when he said earlier in July that the offensive’s first phase had failed “but now word has gotten around. As usual, we see the first critical reports mainly in the English – and here, especially, in the American – leading media.”

However, media reports cannot be entirely trusted either though. It was revealed by German politician and former ARD journalist Christoph Hörstel on July 22 that Washington is prohibiting European media from writing about the neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

“In 2014, we had great reporting on Nazis in Ukraine, and today they have disappeared. This is, of course, a flagrant case,” Hörstel said in an interview on the YouTube channel Flavio von Witzleben.

The journalist believes this phenomenon is related to a “corresponding order” from US officials. According to him, such instructions are not found “on paper” but are given exclusively by phone or at a personal meeting.

“If something is happening here, it means that someone agreed on something and that there were prerequisites,” the expert summarised.

Neo-Nazi crimes against civilians in Ukraine include ethnic cleansing and punitive actions, and Nazism is promoted as state policy. Yet, despite the innumerable evidence and Western media once openly reporting about neo-Nazism in Ukraine, Washington has placed a gag order on European journalists, which would scare these journalists into silence about not only the Nazi issue but also the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

It is too late for the US to silence European journalists or for Britain to disseminate propaganda to great effect as most of the world, begrudgingly or not, acknowledges that Kiev cannot win the war and that everything else is sadistic masochism that is destroying Western economies and leading to thousands of Ukrainian deaths.


The post German Army Complains Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Too Slow And Wasting Western Training appeared first on South Front.


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