세계 / Global

Hirtenberger integrates ArcFire with C2 and simulation systems

Hirtenberger Defence Technology's ArcFire in use by the Royal Danish Army with its 81 mm mortars. (Hirtenberger Defence Technology)

Hirtenberger Defence Technology has continued to make progress with its ArcFire indirect fire-control system (FCS), including integrating it with both command-and-control (C2) and simulation systems.

Speaking to Janes, Ian Garnett, Hirtenberger's CEO, said the relationship with Mandus Group, which produces the Hawkeye high mobility multi-purpose wheeled vehicle (HMMVW)-mounted 105 mm artillery system, continued to develop since its inception in 2019. Hirtenberger had taken over all fire-control software development, including pointing, aiming, test and analysis software, and integration with onboard systems, he added.

Hirtenberger had supported the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) at the interoperability event Exercise ‘Bold Quest 2023' at Camp Pendleton, Garnett said, and claimed that ArcFire had shown “the highest compliance with variable message format [VMF] standards” amongthe eight countries taking part. VMF is used by the US Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS) to exchange information with other systems.

Garnett added that ArcFire had been integrated into the US Army's Theater Operational Planning Toolkit (TOPT), a joint visualisation tool for planning integrated fires. He also noted that Hirtenberger has integrated the NATO SG2 Shareable (Fire Control) Software Suite (S4), which includes the NATO armaments ballistic kernel (NABK).

ArcFire has also been integrated with the android tactical assault kit (ATAK), the dismounted situational awareness and C2 system, for use by forward observers. Garnett said a call for fire icon in ATAK opens the ArcFire software. He added that Hirtenberger is working with Stauder Technologies, which produces Joint Effects and Coordination Link (JECL) software that provides a common data gateway, and the long-term goal is to develop an ArcFire plugin for ATAK.


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